
2024 Alliance Board Members

Allen, Jeff (bio here)
Friends of Cancer Research

Bartek, Ron (bio here)
Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance

Bens, Cynthia (bio here)
Personalized Medicine Coalition

Bodor, Alison | Executive Committee At-Large (bio here)
American Frozen Food Institute

Boon, Caitlin (bio here)
Mars, Inc.

Dwight, Mary (bio here)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Esham, Cartier (bio here)
Biotechnology Industry Organization

Gaugh, David (bio here)
Alliance for Accessible Medicines

Greenberg, Sally (bio here)
National Consumers League

Gremillion, Thomas (bio here)
Consumer Federation of America

Holubowich, Emily | Immediate Past President (bio here)
American Heart Association

Killeen, Sarah (bio here)

Kraus, Tom | President (bio here)
American Society for Health-System Pharmacists

Krofah, Esther | Vice President (bio here)

Kyriacopoulos, Peter (bio here)
Association of Public Health Laboratories

Myers, Nancy (bio here)
Catalyst Healthcare Consulting

Pines, Wayne | Executive Committee At-Large (bio here)
APCO Worldwide

Sorscher, Sarah | Secretary/Treasurer (bio here)
Center for Science in the Public Interest

Vereshchagina, Lucy (bio here)

Zawisza, Julie Anne | Executive Committee At-Large (bio here)
Merck & Co., Inc.

Zuckerman, Diana (bio here)
National Center for Health Research


The Alliance’s staff is led by:

Steven Grossman, JD, Executive Director
Tel: 301-539-9660
E-mail: Please click here

Steven serves as the Alliance’s principal contact.

You may also reach our senior advisors Phillip Karsting and Roger Szemraj and advisor Ben Dash.

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