New Alliance Board Members, Officers for 2012
The Alliance for a Stronger FDA is pleased to announce that three new directors have been elected to serve on the Alliance Board and that the members of the Executive Committee for 2012 have also been selected.The new board members of the Alliancer are:
- Deborah White, Kraft Foods
- Jeff Allen, Friends of Cancer Research
- Ben Firschein, United States Pharmacopeia
Members of the Executive Committee for 2012 are:
- Margaret Anderson, FasterCures (President)
- Diane Dorman, National Organization for Rare Disorders (Vice President)
- Rich Buckley, AstraZeneca (Secretary)
- Caroline Smith DeWaal, Center for Science in the Public Interest (Treasurer)
- Andrew Emmett, Biotechnology Industry Organization
- Nancy Bradish Myers, Catalyst Healthcare Consulting Inc.-Member of Executive Committee; Kasey Thompson, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists –Member of Executive Committee.