Who Can Become a Member
The Alliance for a Stronger FDA encourages membership from a broad spectrum of organizations that are affected or regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as well as from organizations and individuals that support the public health mission of the agency.
Please note, however, that current employees of the FDA can not be accepted as individual members of the Alliance.
Organizations and individuals are welcome as members in any one of five categories:
Not-for-profit groups — which include a wide range of medical, scientific,
patient advocacy, and public health interest organizationsTrade associations — generally trade associations that represent industries
regulated by the FDALaw firms/consulting firms — often those with specific expertise in FDA
regulation and related mattersRegulated and unregulated companies — commonly including those with
interests in food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and medical devicesIndividuals — commonly individuals who have significant experience of
and interests in the activities of the FDA
You can find a complete list of Alliance members on the main Membership page of this site.
Whatever your background or your reason, by becoming a member of the Alliance, you can help and support the development of a stronger, more effective FDA, in the long-term interests of the public health and public trust in the products we eat and drink, the medicines we may need to take to maintain health, and the medical devices and diagnostic services used by professionals.
Click here to review the categories of membership and get details about annual membership fees. Or just contact a staff member to get the ball rolling.