Election Re-Cap and Annual Meeting and more

Advocacy at a Glance offers you the bullet point summary of current advocacy issues associated with the goals of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.

  • Election Re-Cap and Annual Meeting, Tuesday, November 13 at 10:00 am.  On Tuesday the Alliance will have a team of legislative experts from Akin Gump present on the results of the November election. This will be followed by the annual meeting of the Alliance.  Please e-mail Tony Curry to let him know if you will be attending.

  • Upcoming Alliance Hill Meetings.  The Alliance will be back on the Hill on November 14th and 15th to hold meetings with House and Senate staffers regarding the impacts sequestration would have on FDA.  Let us know if you are interested in participating on one or both of these days.


Time for Some Constructive, Bipartisan Conversations


Post-Election Statement from the Alliance for a Stronger FDA