Initial Break-Out of House Ag/FDA Subcommittee FY 16 Appropriation
Below is a preliminary break-out of the FY 16 FDA budget authority (BA) appropriations proposed by the House Appropriation Ag/FDA subcommittee. Most center/line items were held at approximately the same level as FY 15. The exceptions are CFSAN (+ $35 million), CVM (+ $5.5 million, netting $3 million) and NCTR (-$ 4 million).All of these appropriations levels will be difficult for the agency. Not only are responsibilities increasing (e.g., FSMA for which the President requested a $109.5 million increase), but some of the fixed costs are certain to increase (e.g., the Administration requested $314 million for rent and facilities costs. The House’s proposed $285 million suggests the possibility that the centers might need to absorb $20 million or more in rental costs from their program budgets.).Given the incredibly tight budget constraints under which the House had to work, we appreciate the boost provided for FDA. However, we will continue to work towards higher funding levels.Note: This week’s Analysis and Commentary was written by Steven Grossman, the deputy executive director of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.