FDA Gets $132 Million Over FY 15 Appropriation for FY 16
The Alliance for a Stronger FDA has just issued the following message to its members:The FY 16 Omnibus Appropriations bill was released this morning. FDA will receive $132 million above its FY 15 appropriation. This is roughly $90 to $100 million above the House and Senate committee bills passed earlier this year. From a percentage perspective, it is a 5% increase, in comparison to the NIH 7% increase.While we are doing further analysis, we can definitely say that this is a victory. Distribution of funds appears to largely mirror the priorities of the Administration’s request.The House report on the Omnibus Appropriations Bill states the following:
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -– The FDA receives a total of $2.72 billion in discretionary funding in the bill, an increase of $132 million over the fiscal year 2015 enacted level and $14 million below the President’s budget request. Total funding for the FDA, including revenue from user fees, is $4.68 billion. Within this total, food safety activities are increased by $104.5 million, and various medical product safety activities –- including additional funds for the Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria initiative, orphan product development grants, foreign high-risk inspections, and precision medicine – are increased by over $24.3 million.