Alliance Alarmed and Disappointed by President's Budget Request for FY 17

The Alliance for a Stronger FDA issued a media release and a center-by-center breakdown of the President’s proposed FDA budget for FY 17 late yesterday afternoon. The budget proposal contains minimal appropriated investment in FDA. We caution that the President’s budget documents use higher numbers, but they contain several unauthorized funding proposals, such as new food user fees which Congress has repeatedly rejected.While there is recognition of resource needs at the FDA in the President’s budget documents, the Administration unfairly places the burden on Congressional appropriators by not providing a realistic appropriations proposal. Congressional appropriators have made thoughtful investments in the FDA over recent years, but the Administration’s proposal sends them a confusing signal as to what are the agency’s real resource needs.Despite this disappointing proposal, the Alliance will be working to advocate that FDA has sufficient resources to fulfill its critical public health responsibilities.


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Hunting for the Wheat in the Chaff of Hyperbole