Details on FDA’s Request for FY 17 FSMA Appropriations and more

Advocacy at a Glance offers you the bullet point summary of current advocacy issues associated with the goals of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.

  • Hold this Date: March 16 is Alliance Hill Day. The Alliance is already deep into meetings with appropriators to help them understand FDA’s growing responsibilities and budgetary needs. Our annual Hill lobbying day is March 16 and we need your help to reach at least 50 offices in one day. If you can participate, either morning or afternoon or both, please e-mail Lynette Bechtel.

  • Dr. Califf Confirmed by US Senate. The Senate acted this week to confirm the nomination of Dr. Robert Califf to be FDA commissioner. While he had broad bipartisan support, the confirmation vote was delayed by several Senators who feel that the FDA’s response to the opioid epidemic — including a recently released action plan — was insufficient. The Senators involved, notably Senator Markey (D, MA) and Senator Manchin (D, WV) vowed to continue to seek actions on this issue through Judiciary Committee and Appropriations Committee initiatives. As of Thursday, the date and time of Dr. Califf’s swearing in had not been determined.

  • Ostroff at House FDA Appropriations Hearing this Week; It is Califf’s Turn Next Week in the Senate. Acting Commissioner Ostroff and the FDA budget team appeared before the House Appropriations Agriculture Subcommittee yesterday (February 25). Next week, on Wednesday, the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee will hold its hearing at 2 p.m. in Room 124 Dirksen. The new FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf will have his first opportunity to testify on an FDA budget. For specifics on the House hearing, see this week’s Analysis and Commentary.

  • Alliance’s Appropriation “Ask” in One-Page Handout. As you have Hill meetings or prepare for your organization’s Hill Day, please include FDA’s funding needs among your priorities. To make that easier to do, we have developed a one-page handout. It is a template — just add your organization’s name at the beginning and a paragraph about your concerns a few paragraphs down. If any Alliance member would like us to customize the template for its group, please e-mail Steven Grossman

  • Details on FDA’s Request for FY 17 FSMA Appropriations. The President’s FY 2017 budget request for food safety totals +$25 million in new budget authority. Slightly less than half would be allocated to the National Integrated Food Safety System, including support for state activities. Slightly more than half would be targeted to implementation of the National Import Safety System. For more information, click here.


"Everything is a high priority" for the FDA today


Alliance Seeks $2.85 Billion for FDA for FY 17