Two Important Events for the Alliance This Week

There will be two significant events upcoming for the Alliance and its members in the few days. We would encourage member participation to whatever extent is possible.If you can join us for either of these events, please RSVP by e-mail to Lynnette Bechtel.

  • Food Stakeholder Meeting with FDA – May 3. As part of the Deputy Commissioner for Food transition, Mike Taylor and Steve Ostroff have agreed to meet with the Alliance at 1 p.m. on May 3 at the White Oak Building. The purpose of the discussion will be the status of FSMA implementation and associated funding needs.
  • Alliance’s FDA 101 Hill Day – May 4. Beyond appropriators and authorizers, there is great value in educating a broader group of congressional offices about FDA’s important work. Please put a note on your calendar and join us on May 4!

Senate and House in Recess Next Week


The Start of the Califf Era