Advocacy at a Glance

Advocacy at a Glance offers you the bullet point summary of current advocacy issues associated with the goals of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.

  • Short-Term Continuing Resolution Likely. Responding to a request from the new Administration, the House had decided on a CR that would run from December 10, 2016, through March 31, 2017. Our understanding is that the bill will continue funding at the FY 16 levels, with some limited exceptions. While several Republican Senators complained about the short-term CR, Majority Whip John Cornyn (R, TX) indicated the Senate was likely to follow what can pass in the House.
  • Regular Appropriations Would Be Better for FDA than a Continuing Resolution. A half-year CR (or longer) is always a bad thing for FDA because it makes planning difficult, hiring with BA monies risky, and generally slows new, non-emergency initiatives. It is also possible that the across-the-board cuts in the current CR could be extended. Uncertainty is not good for federal agencies, just as it isn’t for corporations. For more background on funding options, see our earlier Commentary.
  • Some Perspective on Transition. This week’s Analysis and Commentary looks at the nature of Presidential transitions and how the Alliance will be working to make this a successful one for FDA.
  • FasterCures Releases Recommendations that Include Increased FDA Funding. Alliance member, FasterCures, has released its recommendations to the new Trump Administration for a pro-innovation agenda. Among the issues it highlights are increased funding for FDA and strengthening the FDA workforce. Attached is a two-page summary of the report, and you can access the full report if you click here.
  • Wishing Everyone a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving. The next issue of our regular Friday updates will be December 2.

Significant Change Is Always Hard


Ensuring and Advocating for an FDA that Works