Advocacy at a Glance

Advocacy at a Glance offers you the bullet point summary of current advocacy issues associated with the goals of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.

  • Senate Passes FY 18 CR Through December 8. In a surprise move, President Trump reached an agreement with Congressional leadership to use a single legislative vehicle to increase emergency relief funds (for Texas and maybe Florida), extend the government’s ability to borrow, and use a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund government programs through December 8. A bill to accomplish this was cobbled together quickly and passed the Senate on Thursday by a vote of 80 to 17. House action is expected shortly, probably before the weekend. A summary of the CR is here.

There are known consequences, as well as several unknowns about how FDA will fare under the CR. The issues facing FDA under this CR are discussed in this week’s Analysis and Commentary. One thing is certain: it would be better for the agency if the Ag/FDA appropriations bill -- either freestanding or part of the “mega-bus” appropriations bill -- becomes law as soon as possible.

  • House Debating FY 18 “Mega-bus” Appropriations Bill that Funds Non-Defense Programs.   Notwithstanding the separate agreement to extend FY 18 government funding through December 8, the House has moved forward with consideration of HR 3354, which would fund Ag/FDA programs along with programs that were contained in seven other appropriations bills.  Assuming completion by the House, the Senate will then decide whether to act on the mega-bus, as well as the House’s previously passed “mini-bus” bill incorporating defense, VA, military construction, and energy and water programs. While the immediate pressure is off, Congress may move forward on one or more of these bills yet this month or next, rather than wait until early December when the CR expires.
  • Alliance Plans to Be on the Hill on September 19th; Please Join Us. Earlier in the year, our Hill meetings are centered on the Alliance’s request for FDA funding. At this point, our meetings we have three purposes: thank Members of Congress for supporting FDA in the FY 18 cycle; lay the groundwork for opposition to the Administration’s likely repeat of its FY 18 proposal for FY 19 (to cut BA and increase user fees); and ask for feedback on how FDA is doing and get a sense of any concerns. Every meeting is also an opportunity to remind Congress of the breadth and depth of support for FDA. Please let Eden know if you plan to participate.. If you can’t join for the full day, consider attending a few meetings or commit to a half-day.
  • Reminder: Please Put Alliance Dues In Your Organization’s 2018 Budget Plan. If you need more information, please let Eden know

Some Shocks -- Some Pleasant; Some Less So


A "Breather", a Summary Review, and a Re-commitment