Advocacy at a Glance

Advocacy at a Glance offers you the bullet point summary of current advocacy issues associated with the goals of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.

  • Senate Budget Vote Likely the Week of October 16. When the Senate returns from recess next week, the FY 18 Budget Resolution will be a prominent item on the floor agenda. Assuming passage, House and Senate conferees will then attempt to negotiate a compromise version, despite substantial differences in provisions and politics.  In last week’s Analysis and Commentary, we explored why the budget debate matters to the appropriations process, as well as to FDA specifically.
  • FDA is Different from Other Agencies: Facts and Insights Behind Alliance Advocacy. A number of federal agencies have the benefit of private external organizations that advocate on behalf of their annual appropriation. Chatting with individuals from those organizations highlighted the ways in which FDA is unique and has different funding needs than other agencies. This week’s Analysis and Commentary looks at some of the facts and insights that make this so.
  • Eric Hargan Made Acting Secretary. With the Senate having confirmed Eric Hargan as HHS deputy secretary, we speculated last week that he might be appointed acting Secretary. This has now occurred. Usually, the deputy secretary functions as a chief operating officer with limited public visibility, but a very large role within the department. With Secretary Price’s departure, Mr. Hargan will be taking on the more visible cabinet-level position until a new HHS secretary is nominated and confirmed

The FDA Deserves Special Consideration at Budget-Time


FDA Stakeholders Need to Start to "Up Our Game"