Advocacy at a Glance

Advocacy at a Glance offers you the bullet point summary of current advocacy issues associated with the goals of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.

  • With the Tax Overhaul Taking Center Stage, Has the Appropriations Process Been Shoved Aside? Commentators have been saying that the only reason for Congress to pass a 2018 Budget Resolution this year was to avoid a possible filibuster of tax legislation in the Senate. There are other consequences: the budget allows for House-passed appropriations levels for FY 18 that are $72 billion above the budget caps for defense programs and $5 billion below for non-defense programs. This would result in sequestration of defense funds unless Congress amends the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA) to raise caps on defense spending.

There have been reports that quiet negotiations are under way to raise defense and non-defense caps, but there are concerns that time is running short. The BCA caps, as well as appropriations for the entire government, must be completed before the Continuing Resolution expires on December 8. The need for a third disaster aid package, the focus on the tax reform proposal, and Treasury's announcement that the debt ceiling limit may be hit in January all complicate getting the final spending bill done. It has also spawned some suggestions that another CR lasting 6 to 8 weeks could be coming.

  • Worth A Second Look: “Not Your Father’s FDA.”  The Analysis and Commentary sections over the last two weeks (see here and here) have focused on how FDA has evolved and improved over the last 10 years. The second column concludes: “we need to tell the story of how more resources result in better decisions, which, in turn, becomes the foundation of the 21st Century regulatory agency that we all want."  More than ever, preserving and expanding FDA resources will require policymakers and the media to see FDA as providing necessary protections, while driving innovation and moving the American economy forward.  We urge you to re-read the columns and share with us any data, programs, or experiences that can help us make the point that “more resources result in better FDA decisions.” Please e-mail any items to Steven Grossman.
  • 2018 Alliance Dues Invoices Will Be Sent Out in November.  Many members of the Alliance pay next year’s dues out of their current budget. To facilitate this, Alliance members will be receiving invoices over the next 6 weeks and will have the choice of paying in December 2017 or January 2018. If you need your invoice to arrive sooner, please let Eden Shiferaw know.

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