Advocacy at a Glance

Advocacy at a Glance offers you the bullet point summary of current advocacy issues associated with the goals of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.

  • Budget Deal Still Elusive as Congress Faces a January 19 Deadline. As described in an earlier Analysis and Commentary, Congress cannot just pass appropriations bills at this point. A number of budgetary issues (e.g., raising the budget caps) and program issues will need to be decided -- even if one bill ultimately takes care of it all. This proved too much of a lift for Congress just before its holiday recess and initial budget talks this week also appeared to flounder. It will be hard to get an accurate read until more key players are back next week, but there is already some talk that another Continuing Resolution (until sometime in February) may be needed.
  • Analysis and Commentary Provides Something to Cheer. This week’s Analysis and Commentary looks optimistically toward 2018, discussing momentum at the agency and progress in building a stronger workforce.
  • Commissioner Gottlieb to Address Alliance on January 31.  The Alliance for a Stronger FDA is pleased to announce that Commissioner Gottlieb will address the Alliance membership in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, January 31 at 4 p.m. We hope that you are able to join for what will be an outstanding opportunity to gain more insight into FDA’s priorities. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by e-mail to Carrie Morgan.
  • Miss Us on December 22? The Alliance is using a new e-mail program to deliver the Friday Update to its members, and it may have gone into your junk mail file. Please be sure that the Alliance is on your “safe sender” list. And here is the December 22 Analysis and Commentary if you missed it.
  • Membership, Invoices, and the New Year. 2018 dues invoices went out to all Alliance organizational members in November and December. If you did not receive your invoice, need another copy, or are interested in becoming an Alliance member, please let Steven know. The Alliance’s effectiveness is directly tied to the depth and breadth of our membership. Your participation in 2018 matters.

Ensuring an Effective and Motivated Workforce


From This Week's CR into FY 19: More Alliance Priorities