Alliance Issues Initial Statement

In response to inquiries, the Alliance for a Stronger FDA released the following statement in response to the President's proposed budget for FY 20:

The Alliance for a Stronger FDA is quite pleased with the proposed increase in appropriated funding for FDA. We thank the Administration for its continuing strong support of FDA. The agency will be able to apply new monies to important programs that benefit the American people, as well as hire needed scientific personnel to carry out the FDA’s far-ranging mission.While we are looking forward to providing more specific analysis when the detailed CJs (Congressional Justifications) come out next week, we can say definitively that the President’s request for budget authority (taxpayer-paid) appropriations is $362 million above the FY 19 Continuing Resolution level and nearly $260 million above the FY 19 final enacted spending level. That is net of the existing and proposed user fee, including tobacco user fees.The HHS Budget in Brief document for FDA can be found here. Note that the chart on the first page is for all program funds -- BA, user fees, and proposed user fees. The BA monies are aggregated on the second page, but not broken out by program or center. The Commissioner’s statement on the budget request is here.

For more information, please contact Steven Grossman (or phone him at 301-539-9660). If this was forwarded to you and you wish to receive our subsequent updates, contact Samantha Beard.


Sharpless Appointed Acting Commissioner of FDA


FY 20 President's Budget Request; Spin and Reality