Supporting a Budget Increase for FDA for FY 22

There is nothing automatic about FDA receiving additional monies each year. The Alliance exists to be an advocate for the agency’s resource needs, but that’s just one role among the many that are necessary for success.The process starts at FDA, where each office and then each Center calculates its programmatic priorities and funding needs. This ultimately results in an FDA budget, which is, in turn, submitted to OMB. As revised by OMB and negotiated with the agency, it becomes part of the President’s Budget Request. A large Administration request for FDA provides the ideal platform for advocacy. Nonetheless, it is completely in Congress’s hands as to whether and how much of an increase is provided to FDA.That’s where Congressional leadership and support for the agency’s funding needs become critical. We are grateful to Representatives Bishop and Fortenberry (Chair and Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee’s Ag/FDA Subcommittee). We are grateful to Senators Hoeven and Merkley​ (in the last Congress and until next week, Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Ag/FDA Subcommittee).To them we say: “Thank you.” To underscore our gratitude, Alliance President Wayne Pines sent notes to all four on January 14. The notes to each said:

On behalf of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA, thank you for your continued support of the Food and Drug Administration. Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, FDA will see a much-needed increase of $42.250 million, including $22 million for medical products programs, $15.250 million for food safety activities, and $8 million for cross-cutting initiatives. We also thank you for the additional $55 million you provided the agency in support of its COVID-19 activities.The Alliance feels confident that FDA will be worthy of the trust that comes with these additional dollars and is committed to working with appropriators and the Commissioner to assure that funds are used appropriately and to the benefit of the American people.Our Alliance membership -- which consists of over 150 consumer and patient groups, research advocates, health professions societies, trade groups, companies, and individuals -- are focused on the need for increased resources for FDA. We believe: a growing mission requires a growing budget. The American people are the beneficiaries of continued investment in the agency.Again, we thank you for your continuing support of the FDA. Please let us know if we can be of assistance to you or your staff.Sincerely,WP

We turn now to Alliance members -- and other readers of Friday Update and/or this web site -- and ask you to send your own notes to these four leaders. Customize your letters with insights on why a strong, well-funded FDA is important to your organization or interests. If you want some help, contact Reed Diskey, who will get our Alliance staff involved in assisting you.Editorial Note: The Analysis and Commentary section is written by Steven Grossman, Deputy Executive Director of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.


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Advocacy at a Glance