Analysis and Commentary

I often start Hill meetings by asking staffers when they were last in a meeting where consumers and industry came in the door together and delivered a joint message in support of a federal agency. It is a powerful message for everyone we meet with that FDA is special and worthy of their support. It is also a unique experience for many of them to see consumers and industry together.

Our voice would be even stronger if we could grow our current membership to 200 or even more. Please read about the benefits of Alliance membership below and contact StevenPhil, or Reed for more information. 
Benefits of Alliance Membership

The Alliance for a Stronger FDA is a multi-stakeholder advocacy group that unites more than 150 patient and consumer groups, biomedical research advocates, health professions societies, individuals, trade associations, and companies that work to increase FDA’s budget authority appropriations.

The Alliance is the primary non-governmental organization that educates Congress and the media about FDA’s mission and activities and explains why the agency’s growing responsibilities require a budget that grows. 

We also emphasize that the primary beneficiary of FDA’s activities is the American public and therefore taxpayers should be the primary funders of the agency.

Alliance members benefit from the Alliance’s impact on policymakers, media, and public recognition that FDA’s decisions represent a “gold standard” for regulatory decision making. The value to our members (and FDA) is enhanced by the fact that the Alliance’s positions are supported by consumers and public health-oriented advocacy organizations and not just regulated industries.
Benefits of membership include:

  • Advocacy days on Capitol Hill where participants meet with multiple House and Senate offices as well as House and Senate Appropriations Committee Professional Staff. This augments and amplifies relationships on Capitol Hill and with third-party groups.

  • Access to our speaker series events which feature key FDA decision makers and provide insights into the agency’s agenda.

  • Our weekly “Friday Update” newsletter, which contains information about FDA’s priorities, programming, and funding.

  • Supplementary analysis of the President’s Budget Request and Congressional appropriations action as part of or in addition to our Friday Update.

  • Access to the expertise of Alliance Executive Director, Steven Grossman and several seasoned appropriations lobbyists who have extensive experience interacting with FDA, HHS, OMB, and Congress on FDA-related budget and program issues.

  • Informal networking with other FDA stakeholders including patient groups, research organizations, health professions societies, companies, trade associations, and other entities.

  • Ongoing access to updated educational materials that illustrate the breadth and importance of FDA’s mission, with an updated website expected this summer providing key information.

Most of all, our members know that they are providing tangible support for an essential responsibility of government and for an agency that cannot always speak directly on its own behalf.

Editorial Note: The Analysis and Commentary section is written by Steven Grossman, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.


Advocacy at a Glance


Advocacy at a Glance