Analysis and Commentary

Under the House subcommittee bill, BA Salary and Expenses is proposed to increase about $247 million and BA Buildings and Facilities is proposed to increase about $10 million. The two combined equal the Subcommittee’s announced $257 million increase for FY 22 above FY 21 funding levels.

The Alliance response to the House mark-up position is highly-positive:

“We are grateful for the House’s support of FDA and appreciate that its proposed increase in BA funding will go a long way toward addressing the agency’s many resource needs. In any year, a $257 million/8% increase for FDA is substantial and meaningful. For that, we thank the Members of the House subcommittee. We will work with the Senate to achieve a similarly large commitment to FDA’s FY 22 funding needs. The drive to strengthen the FDA is a multi-year marathon, not a sprint, and the Alliance will continue to advocate for critical funding to strengthen the agency.”

Attached is a chart developed by the Alliance based on the bill text and one-paragraph summary in the Subcommittee media release. The House bill contains only numbers that combine BA + user fees with no differentiation. As a result, our BA totals are derived by a multi-step adjustment process. The results are believed to be accurate but subject to error. The Subcommittee’s definitive BA allotments will be contained in a chart in the committee report released after full committee mark-up next week.

Note that both the President’s Request and the House subcommittee mark include $50 million in funding for 21st Century Cures Act programming. This is the maximum amount authorized for FY 22 and is additional to, and not included in, BA funding totals.

Editorial Note: The Analysis and Commentary section is written by Steven Grossman, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.


House Appropriations Committee approves FY 22 Ag/FDA Appropriations bill; the Alliance reacts positively to the House bill.


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