Encouraging Members of Congress to request increased FDA funding. Upcoming Alliance budget priorities webinar series with FDA leaders.


  • Analysis and Commentary: Looking ahead to the President’s FY 23 budget, Part 2.

  • Alliance encourages Members of Congress to request increased FDA funding.

  • Do not miss the Alliance’s budget priorities webinar series with FDA leaders.

    • Patrizia Cavazzoni, MD | CDER | April 4, 1 p.m. | Register

    • Judith McMeekin | ORA | April 6, 2 p.m. | Register

    • Susan Mayne, PhD | CFSAN | April 12, 11 a.m. | Register

    • Steven Solomon, DVM | CVM | April 22, 3 p.m. | Register

    • Jeff Shuren, MD | CDRH | April 29, 11 a.m. | Register

    • Peter Marks, MD | CBER | May 10, 1 p.m. | Register

  • Why Sign-up to Listen to Dr. Cavazzoni (April 4).

  • Why Sign-up to Listen to Judy McMeekin (April 6).

This week’s Analysis and Commentary looks at the forthcoming FY 23 President’s budget release and what to look for. It is part 2 of last week’s Analysis and Commentary.

Alliance Campaign Encourages Members of Congress to Request Increased FDA Funding. During March and April of each year, Members of Congress ask their constituents and interested parties to recommend program funding for the coming fiscal year. In turn, Members formulate a list of their priorities, which they share with subcommittee leadership. Requests can be highly localized (funds to rebuild a bridge) or broadly programmatic (increases for FDA, for example).

While no official announcement has been made, we believe the House Agriculture/FDA Appropriations Subcommittee will set the end of April as the target for members to submit their FY 23 funding requests. Several member offices, in turn, have already set deadlines for stakeholder requests not later than April 15. We expect others to use similar deadlines.

The Alliance will reach out to Members of Congress to encourage them to tell appropriators that “Increased FDA funding is one of my priorities.” Over the next three weeks we encourage Alliance members to make their own requests with those House offices with which they have relationships. Our goal is to broaden our efforts so Congressional offices receive 2 or 3 requests on behalf of FDA, rather than just ours. We do not yet have information regarding Senate Subcommittee deadlines, but individual Senators are already setting their own.

Here is a link to an earlier Analysis and Commentary that contains more details. If you are interested in participating, please contact Roger Szemraj of the Alliance staff.

Hear FDA Leaders Discuss the FY 23 President’s Budget Request. This is your opportunity to hear Center Directors and the Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs discuss their budget proposals for FY 23.

  • Patrizia Cavazzoni, MD | CDER | April 4, 1 p.m. | Register

  • Judith McMeekin | ORA | April 6, 2 p.m. | Register

  • Susan Mayne, PhD | CFSAN | April 12, 11 a.m. | Register

  • Steven Solomon, DVM | CVM | April 22, 3 p.m. | Register

  • Jeff Shuren, MD | CDRH | April 29, 11 a.m. | Register

  • Peter Marks, MD | CBER | May 10, 1 p.m. | Register

These online events are for Alliance members and media, although we welcome guests. If you are not an Alliance member and would like to participate, please contact Alliance Executive Director, Steven Grossman.

More on the first two events in the FY 23 Budget Priority Webinar Series.

Why Sign-Up to Listen to Dr. Cavazzoni (April 4). The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research ensures that safe and effective drugs are available to improve the health of the people in the United States. Its broad responsibilities include new drugs, generic drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and biosimilars. Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni will discuss CDER’s FY23 budget priorities, as well as its resource needs.

Why Sign-up to Listen to Dr. Judy McMeekin (April 6). Responsibility for inspection, compliance, and enforcement is central to the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), led by Dr. Judy McMeekin, the Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs. ORA resources are spread throughout the FDA budget and account for r 20% of FDA’s entire budget (about $1.2 billion) and more than a quarter of all employees (about 5,000). Dr. McMeekin will discuss her FY23 budget priorities, as well as provide updates on achieving pre-pandemic inspection levels.


Forthcoming FY 23 President’s budget release and what to look for Part 2.


Forthcoming FY 23 President’s Budget Release and how to interpret the OMB “headline numbers” Part 1