Alliance Supports Administration Call for $336 Million Increase in FY 23; Encouraging Members of Congress to request increased FDA funding.


  • Analysis and Commentary: Summary of CDER Director Dr. Cavazzoni Remarks

  • Alliance Supports Administration Call for $336 Million More in BA/$3.653 Billion Total

  • Alliance Encourages Members of Congress to Request Increased FDA Funding

  • Hear FDA Leaders Discuss FY 23 Budget Priorities as Part of Exclusive Alliance Webinar Series

    • Susan Mayne, PhD | CFSAN | April 12, 11 a.m. | Register

    • Steven Solomon, DVM | CVM | April 22, 3 p.m. | Register

    • Jeff Shuren, MD | CDRH | April 29, 11 a.m. | Register

    • Peter Marks, MD | CBER | May 10, 1 p.m. | Register

  • Why Sign-up to Listen to CFSAN Director Dr. Susan Mayne (April 12)?

  • Interested in Previous Alliance Webinars?: Transcripts and Audio

This week’s Analysis and Commentary summarizes the comments of CDER Director Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni during her appearance at the Alliance’s webinar on April 4, 2022. Audio available now; transcript available about April 12.

Alliance Establishes FY 23 “Ask”; Supports $336 Million Increase for FDA. The Alliance for a Stronger FDA supports the Administration’s BA request of $3.653 billion. This provides an increase of $318 million in BA salary and expenses (S&E) and an increase of $18 million in BA buildings and facilities (B&F). We also support the proposed no-year money requests for pandemic response ($1.6 billion) and the Cancer Moonshot ($20 million).

More details on the Alliance position and understanding the President’s Budget Request can be found here.

Note that we are still in the process of reviewing the Administration’s detailed budget request to provide additional information about the strengths of the request and any areas in which we think additional emphasis is needed.

Alliance Campaign Encourages Members of Congress to Request Increased FDA Funding. During March and April of each year, Members of Congress ask their constituents and interested parties to recommend program funding for the coming fiscal year. In turn, Members formulate a list of their priorities, which they share with subcommittee leadership. We are encouraging Members to ask for increased FDA funding as part of their priority list.

For this purpose, we are scheduling two Hill Days (House and Senate) for April 20 and 21. There are still open slots for those days, so if you would like to participate, please contact Elisa Bayoumi. We will need your help. This will build upon our House meetings on April 5 and 7.

Even if you cannot participate on April 20 and 21, stay tuned for more opportunities to participate in subsequent Hill Days.

FY 23 Budget Season Has Officially Started. Hear FDA leaders discuss their FY 23 budget priorities as part of this exclusive Alliance webinar series.

  • Susan Mayne, PhD | CFSAN | April 12, 11 a.m. | Register

  • Steven Solomon, DVM | CVM | April 22, 3 p.m. | Register

  • Jeff Shuren, MD | CDRH | April 29, 11 a.m. | Register

  • Peter Marks, MD | CBER | May 10, 1 p.m. | Register

These online events are for Alliance members and media, although we welcome guests. If you are not an Alliance member and would like to participate, please contact Alliance Executive Director, Steven Grossman.

Why Sign-Up to Listen to Dr. Susan Mayne (April 12)? The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), led by Dr. Susan Mayne, has a budget that exceeds $1.1 billion per year and is responsible for the safety of human foods, cosmetics, and dietary supplements. The Center is also responsible for fostering good nutrition. The President’s FY 23 budget request “will allow the agency to improve prevention-oriented food safety practices, strengthen data sharing and predictive analytics capabilities and enhance traceability to more quickly respond to outbreaks and recalls for human and animal food.” Dr. Mayne will discuss CFSAN’s FY23 budget priorities and resource needs.

Even If You Did Not Attend Our Webinars, Audio and Transcripts Are Available. So far in 2022, we have held four webinars and welcome an opportunity to share recordings and transcripts.

  • Acting FDA Chief Scientist Jacqueline O’Shaughnessy (January 25) transcript and audio

  • How FDA Is Funded? With Alliance Board Member Emily Holubowich and Alliance Executive Director Steven Grossman (February 2) Presentation materials available by request.

  • Director of CDER, Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni (April 4) audio available now; transcript available about April 12

  • Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs, Dr. Judith McMeekin (April 6) audio available now; transcript available about April 12

Alliance Webinar on Inspections and Enforcement. On April 6, the Alliance hosted Judy McMeekin, FDA’s Association Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs to discuss the FY 23 budget and opportunities and challenges for FDA inspections and enforcement. Commissioner McMeekin said that ORA has over one quarter of FDA’s workforce, with a currently budget of $1.2 billion. Their activities include inspections around the world, looking at produce, tobacco, data from vaccine trials, testing product samples, analyzing cosmetics, following up on adverse events, and conducting import investigations and inspections at all nine import mail facilities. If you missed the event, the Alliance has an audio of the program and should have a transcript by about April 12. We will also be summarizing her remarks and answers to questions in next week’s Friday Update.


More on President’s request for an FDA BA of $3.653 Billion Total; Volunteers Sought for Hill Meetings April 20/21 and beyond


Summary of the Alliance webinar with CDER Director Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni