Past Analyses Provide Context for House and Senate Action on Ag-FDA Funding (Special Edition)

In the last four editions of Friday Update, the Analysis and Commentary section has been devoted to analyzing the FDA’s budget situation for FY 24. We have looked at the specifics of FDA’s situation, as well as the larger context in which FDA-related decisions will be made. 

As you consider what happens this week, these past columns should provide useful insights: 

“Hurry Up and Wait” and Other Appropriations Questions  May 31, 2024

What the FY 24 Appropriations Cycle Tells Us About FY 25  Jun 7, 2024

The Past is Prologue, But Subcommittee Bills May Not Be  June 14, 2024

Two Pathways for Saving FDA’s FY 25 Budget  June 21, 2024


Editorial Note:
The Analysis and Commentary section is written by Steven Grossman, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.


Congressional Action on FDA Appropriations Anticipated This Week (Special Edition)


Looking Toward Full House Appropriations Committee Markup July 10