Special Edition; Alliance Responds to President’s FY24 Budget

Thursday, March 9, 2023| Silver Spring, MD -- The Alliance for a Stronger FDA, relying on budget summaries provided by the Administration (https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/fy-2024-budget-in-brief.pdf), released the following statement to the media and public.

"The Alliance for a Stronger FDA endorses the President’s requested increase in FDA’s budget authority (BA) appropriations of approximately $372 million over the FY 2023 appropriated amounts for a proposed total of approximately $3.963 billion. The request is approximately a 10% increase in BA (taxpayer) funding compared to the FY 23 appropriated level.

We will be reviewing the detailed budget request (expected early next week) to provide additional information about the strengths of the request and any areas in which we think additional emphasis is needed."

The total FDA budget request is for $7.2 billion of which about $4 billion would come from taxpayer funds appropriated by Congress, $2.5 billion from medical products user fees, and $700 million from tobacco user fees.

The Alliance’s analysis will provide additional insights into how monies are proposed to be spent. For example, many of the details provided in the initial eight-page summary do not fully distinguish between taxpayer (BA) funding and user fee funding.  They also do not always differentiate between salary and expenses (S&E) and buildings and facilities (B&F). It is possible that there are totals reported that need adjustment to be compared with FY 23.

 Here is the Administration’s description of the proposed FY 24 funding for FDA (https://www.fda.gov/media/166050/download):

FDA’s responsibilities are ever growing and more complex due to advances in food and medical product technology, global supply chains, and artificial intelligence. The FY 2024 budget provides a $7.2 billion total program level for FDA. This includes an increase of $372 million in budget authority—or 10 percent above the FY 2023 funding level—to enhance food safety and nutrition, advance medical product safety, strengthen the agency’s public health and mission support capacity, and modernize FDA’s infrastructure, buildings, and facilities. The budget includes $3.3 billion in user fees.

A more detailed description is in the FDA’s media releases at https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-seeks-72-billion-protect-and-advance-public-health-enhancing-food-safety-and-advancing-medical?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

For more information, please contact Alliance Executive Director Steven Grossman by e-mail or at 301-257-9660.

The Alliance for a Stronger FDA is a stakeholder organization with 150+ members devoted to advocating for increased appropriations for the FDA and educating policymakers and the public about the FDA's mission and responsibilities. The Alliance’s unique coalition of patient and consumer groups and industry mirrors FDA’s unique role in public health, safety, and commerce.


Alliance Endorses President’s $372 Million Increase for FDA


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